An IDD Waiver Agency/Provider
1611 Charleston Road, Poca, WV | 304.769.8077
About Service Station
Counties Served: Boone | Cabell | Jackson | Kanawha | Logan | Putnam | Raleigh | Wood
Our Mission & Vision
Vision Statements: To create a safe place where folks can come and find their purpose through serving others despite limited abilities. To extend kindness and to offer hospitality to even the least of these. To make known that everyone has a purpose, that everyone can SERVE, and that everyone was created for the glory of God.
Services @ the Service Station
First Come First Serve

Why the Service Station?
For our original location, the influence of Catbird’s, Harris Chevron, Bailey’s Exxon, and Bailey’s Gulf Station made all the difference in the world! Thank you!

Stop on by!

What’s John got to do with it?
In the Bible, John 9:2-3 teaches that a man was born blind. Not because of something that he had done wrong but so that the works of God would be made manifest in him! We don’t believe that God messes up. We believe that God has a plan and a purpose for everyone He creates, even when we don’t understand it. Society often views folks with disabilities as “damaged goods” or as if something is wrong with them. We believe nothing could be further from the truth. Everyone was created for a purpose, and we believe it was to SERVE others.
The Owner of the Service Station’s son was born blind and mentally impaired. She believes that the Service Station would have never existed without her son being a part of God’s plan for her life.
In the Bible, John 9:2-3 teaches that a man was born blind. Not because of something that he had done wrong but so that the works of God would be made manifest in him! We don’t believe that God messes up. We believe that God has a plan and a purpose for everyone He creates, even when we don’t understand it. Society often views folks with disabilities as “damaged goods” or as if something is wrong with them. We believe nothing could be further from the truth. Everyone was created for a purpose, and we believe it was to SERVE others.
The Owner of the Service Station’s son was born blind and mentally impaired. She believes that the Service Station would have never existed without her son being a part of God’s plan for her life.